Sunday, August 10, 2014

Secretary Global-Test and Plugs clearly learned nothing from the last red-line go-round

Talkin' tough over Russian machinations on the Ukraine.  In separate statements, they each really told 'em, by golly.  Global-Test emphasized the need for "all parties to work through international organizations" and Plugs said that even if Russia got directly involved in Ukraine on a purely humanitarian basis, it would be "unacceptable," doncha know.

Jazz Shaw at Hot Air analyzes:

Given Vladimir Putin’s recent proclivities, this seems like an invitation to disaster. Issuing orders to Moscow along the lines of, don’t you dare cross the border for your so called humanitarian missions, is just the excuse Putin needs to inform the world that Barack Obama does not run Russian foreign policy. And now that the issue of the need for humanitarian aid to the people afflicted by the conflict has been raised, the temptation is probably even greater. As we talked about yesterday, if Putin was thinking about a direct military incursion into the area around Donetsk, he might have still had the sense to hold back because of the international reaction. But if you can take 20,000 troops and hand them all a care package, the propaganda stage is set for the usual Putin theatrics. Send in the troops while claiming that they are there to “provide humanitarian relief” and then, if an errant shot goes off and they begin firing back, well… it just couldn’t be avoided.
If threats from the United States actually had any weight behind them, Putin would probably be more likely to keep his cards close to the vest and look for a way out of this while saving face. But he seems to have no fear of America at this point, so don’t be shocked if this “relief mission” heads into the Donetsk region, tanks and all.

Filling the vacuum.

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