Thursday, August 21, 2014

Eric Holder may be the most vulgar human being in American history

He heads the department whose symbol is the lady with the blindfold and the scales.  If any American principle is bedrock, it is that justice is impartial, the accused are presumed innocent and all are equal before the law.

But this chunk of dog vomit chooses to speak to a community group about the fear he had being pulled over as a youth and explicitly tell the crowd "I am the attorney general, but I am also a black man."  Then he goes to a soul food restaurant - demographic motivation much? - to shake hands and converse with patrons.

To the extent there is genuine, rather than manufactured, racial tension in this country, it's because hustlers like Holder work tirelessly to see to it.


  1. When then-Attorney General John Mitchell was called for a phone comment on one particularly damaging Watergate piece, he hissed a vulgar threat at then-publisher Katharine Graham (edited by The Post to excise a reference to Graham’s anatomy): “All that crap, you’re putting it in the paper? It’s all been denied. Katie Graham … is gonna get caught in a big fat wringer if that’s published.” Read more at

  2. You point being . . . .? The use of crude language by an attorney general is not the kind of vulgarity I'm talking about. I'm talking about seizing an opportunity to engage in gratuitous race-hustling - even when that opportunity is based on a complex web of facts that includes the at-least thuggish behavior on part of M. Brown the night he was killed.

    And this is not to defend Mitchell.

  3. No point. Actually he is the only other attorney general in my lifetime I could name without thinking long and hard. Janet Reno was the recipient of what were termed vulgar comments by John McCain who allegedly said that Chelsea Clinton was so ugly because her father was Janet Reno. Just googling attorney generals/vulgar.
