Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Because your most deeply held values and principles and your innermost thoughts belong to the state, according to these jackboots

Gay Patriot brings us up to speed on two of the latest fronts in what used to quaintly be characterized as the culture wars:

Seems a couple of lesbians got their feelers hurt because a maker of wedding dresses declined to make dresses for them. Rather than do what sane and reasonable people would do (i.e. take their business somewhere where their money was welcome), they decided to attack and destroy the dressmaker for refusing to celebrate their lifestyle; because it has now become the social entitlement of all gay people to have their lifestyles and relationships praised and celebrated by everyone, with severe punishments for those who decline to cheer or even fail to clap loudly enough.
And in Florida, a clergyman is under attack by the Human Rights Campaign (it must be fundraising time again) for refusing to preside at the funeral of a gay man, which he says would be at odds with his religious beliefs. But, of course, gay people’s self-esteem and hurt feelings must trump anyone’s spiritual beliefs, right?
In the Conservatarian view, everyone should have the right to shop wherever they want. BUT, shopkeepers (business owners) should have an equal right to choose not to do business with those they don’t want to do business with.  Some customers will be disappointed, but that situation is preferable to tyranny; and there will always be other businesses for them to patronize.
The liberal/left/progressive view is this: “You will do what we tell you to do or we will use the power of the State to ruin your business and destroy you personally.”

How is this different from what goes on in the ISIS caliphate, or in certain areas of Nigeria?  Or Iran?

Oh, I know.  The gays would most certainly not be the ones with the leverage.  They'd be dead.

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