Monday, January 20, 2014

"My language should be tighter"

Wendy Davis lied in her campaign biography and under oath about her background.

Davis may even have lied under oath, testifying in a federal lawsuit over redistricting that "I got divorced by the time I was 19 years old," when in fact she was divorced at age 21.

Other missing details have included: her second husband paid her way through law school and she divorced him the day after the last payment was made; her ex-husband accused her in initial court filings of adultery, and was awarded custody of their two daughters; and she first ran for city council in Fort Worth as a Republican. 
"My language should be tighter,” she said, admitting her campaign biography has been less than truthful.

It's shaping up to be Elizabeth Warren redux.  The Freedom-Haters will carry her water to the bitter end.  Hell, the stinking Girl Scouts love her.

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