Saturday, January 25, 2014

Well, then, wouldn't it make sense to err on the side of caution?

The Pentagon - I repeat, the freakin' Pentagon - says the US is incapable of telling whether another country is building nukes.

Doesn't that make patty-cake with known rogue regimes doubly foolish?


  1. Does Israel have nukes? If so, who provided them to Israel? Or is that still some kind of secret?

  2. We all know Israel has nukes, and we all know they have to have them.

  3. Guess it just kinda leaked out over the years that Israel has nukes. That has not generated much love in the region towards us who equipped yhem. The have nots will always want them. It is human nature.

  4. But if the have-nots are evil and seek you destruction, you must prevent them from getting them.
