Thursday, January 9, 2014

Again, they do it because it allows them to feel good in their self-perception as champions of beleaguered demographics

Great George Will column at WaPo this morning entitled "Liberalism by Gesture."  He cites several examples of why FHers go to such lengths to stand their ground on points of such little consequence.

He cites the lame rhetoric with which he FHer apparatus has tried to make interest levels in the Chevy Volt - vis-a-vis Ford F Series pickups - seem encouraging.

He looks at the situation with the Little Sisters of the Poor:

It is unimportant to the structure of Obamacare. It has nothing to do with real insurance, which protects against unexpected developments — car insurance does not pay for oil changes. The mandate covers a minor expense: Target sells a month of birth control pills for $9 . The mandate is, however, a gesture affirming liberalism’s belief that any institution of civil society can be properly broken to the saddle of the state.

On minimum wage:

Less than 3 percent of the workforce earns the minimum; more than 60 percent of those who do earn it get a raise within a year; more than half of minimum-wage earners are students or other part-time workers from households with average incomes of $53,000. Never mind. Raising the minimum is a gesture of devotion to “equality.”

Then he moves on to the current obsession with pre-K schooling.

Read the whole thing.


  1. One matter those detested block of humans you call freedom haters, well, the ones in Congress anyhow, should not have stood their ground on was the Pubs' gracious offer to delay the anything but trivial matter of Obamacare in order to pass the budget which you would think they already knew would not wash. I hate you all!

  2. I'm unclear. When was there an offer to delay FHer-care in exchange for passign a budget? I missed that scenario.

  3. Did I miss something during the government shut down? Pubs offered to pass budget in return for delaying Ocare I thought. Dems shoulda took em up on it, double damn them, the idiots, for the lie and the piss poor role out in spite of their intransigence. You'd a thunk they'd be ready to play ball if they are going to shut the government down over the impasse.

  4. No, there was more to it than that. We had the horrible and worthless Ryan-Murray deal, but that came after the FHer-care debate. And nobody got anything delayed. What we got was FHer-care up our exhaust pipes.

  5. Just repeal all government involvement health care, isntutee a flat 13 percent tax on the incomes of individuals, families and businesses, abolish the EPA, the Departments of Education, Energy, Labor, Commerce, Agriculture, and Health and Human Services. Stop talking to Iran, tell Karzai that we stay in Afghanistan until we're convinced that there will be no tolerance for a Taliban or al-Aaeda role. Give the go-ahead to the Keystone pipeline. Promote Congressional and presidential candidates who openly and fothrightly offer Christian prayers to God, enforce the Defense of Marriage Act. Abolish the minimum wage. That ought to get us started.

  6. Give us this day our daily dividend and damn those who dare to trespass against us.

  7. re: your prescription for "promoting Congressional and presidential candidates who openly and fothrightly offer Christian prayers to God:": does this mean you are reevaluating the Jimmy Carter experience?

  8. No, because he is so full of shit I have to wonder if he's really Christian. I guess that's between him and his maker, but such a basically vile being has a hell of a lot to answer for.
