Friday, January 24, 2014

Is there no US ally the Most Equal Comrade won't alienate?

Great Krauthammer piece at NRO saying that, in the same spirit with which the MEC sullied relations with other allies ("It seems not enough to have given the back of the hand to Britain, Israel, Poland, and the Czech Republic, and to have so enraged the Saudis that they actually rejected a Security Council seat — disgusted as they were with this administration’s remarkable combination of fecklessness and highhandedness."), he now frustrates our neighbor tothe north. ("Must we crown this run of diplomatic malpractice with gratuitous injury to Canada, our most reliable, most congenial friend in the world?")

THe Keystone XL pipeline is ready to go.  The studies have been conducted.  Still, the MEC regime dithers.   Krauthammer points out two things that will happen if this continues: Canada will route the pipeline westward, and sell the oil to China, and any of it that makes its way to the US will come by rail, an exponentially more dangerous way to transport that energy source.

Why is the MEC stalling?

The only rationale for denying the pipeline is political — to appease Obama’s more extreme environmentalists. For a president who claims not to be ideological, the irony is striking: Here is an easily available piece of infrastructure — privately built, costing government not a penny, creating thousands of jobs and, yes, shovel ready — and yet the president, who’s been incessantly pushing new “infrastructure” as a fundamental economic necessity, can’t say yes.

A sliver of the American populace in thrall to a fantasy is holding up genuine progress on all levels.

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