Saturday, December 28, 2013

The great leveling enterprise gets personal

Here's another one of those societal developments that a mere five years ago would still have seemed weird as hell: gender-free bathrooms.

It is important to note that some places in America now require gender-neutral bathrooms, including Philadelphia and acounty in Oregon. However, these locales have not replaced traditional bathrooms but have rather added a third, gender-neutral option.
Those initiatives do not go far enough, according to Slate writer Izzy Rode. Although the author is only an intern, her (Rode describes herself as "female-bodied yet androgynous," so it is unclear what pronouns would be appropriate) piece defending gender-neutral bathrooms is one of only two pieces the Slateeditors have chosen to publish (along with a piece arguing that monogamous marriage and families should not be encouraged).
Rode clearly sides with the students at Brown and Wesleyan, who want to eliminate all gendered spaces. If the ordinary channels of advocacy do not bend to the will of this minority, then the activists may turn to vandalism and destruction of school property.

So the libertarian remedy - just tune those people out and do what you want with your own life - is utterly ineffective against these militants.  Pajama Boy and Julia, merrily eliminating in front of each other as they chat about "getting covered."  This is post-America.

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