Sunday, December 1, 2013

For some of you, it may require some nose-holding, but what is your - anyone's - alternative?

Veteran civil rights activist and Dem stalwart Arnold S. Trebach no doubt had to swallow hard to write this PJ Media piece, but he has done the world a service:

It is difficult for an old liberal Democrat to utter such words as those. Vote Republican and save the country, indeed. Yet that is what I am now saying, and to make it even more emphatic, I am also suggesting that for the next two elections, all good people should consider voting a straight Republican ticket as a protest against the massive political sins of the Democrats. If enough voters did that, in addition to saving the country it might also save the Democratic Party from itself.
My old party has lost its soul and integrity in recent years, especially during the Obama era. It needs a crushing electoral defeat to focus its attention on its dangerous behavior.  Despite the terrible recent record of my old party and of Mr. Obama, they are master politicians and it is quite possible that they will recover and win the next two elections, unless there is a concerted effort by voters of all stripes — Republican, independent, and, yes, Democratic — to make a public commitment in advance that they will vote straight Republican tickets in 2014 and in 2016.
I do not love the Republican Party, but Obama and the Democrats have given me no alternative. I do not recognize my old party. They truly scare me.  As a result, in recent years I have embraced conservative values in my political behavior.

Cites the FHer-care rollout and the acquiescence to Iranian nukes as the two most glaring justifications for his stance.


  1. Actually I wish you folks would have won the presidency last year because this year has been the sad culmination of lies and jest from the Dems and the Pubs were right all along about the ACA which it is clear the Obama administration seriously dropped the ball on in its execution. They will sorely regret abolishing the filibuster perhaps within barely one year. I don't believe a thing the Dems say and have no confidence in what they do now. Hopefully we can keep this ship afloat that much longer.
