Saturday, December 28, 2013

Excellent ammo for your battles with redistributionists

A Heritage blog post chock full of charts that tell the real picture about government revenue and spending.

The first one shows what kind of a situation a family with an annual income of $52K would be in if it spent $64K per year (the proportions that characterize the federal government's intake and outgo).  It would be putting $12K on the credit card every year despite already being $312K in debt.


Another chart spells out Freedom-Hater-care's tax bite.

Another one shows that "entitlements" comprise 45 percent of federal outlay - far more than defense, net interest, education, or any other thing the gummint shells out your money for.

Some other charts as well.  Keep handy.


  1. Ever wonder who pays for similar entitlements granted to public school workers, utility workers, government workers, oil industry workers? No it's not a tax, it's just built-in to the price. You probably begrudge the teachers and the government workers, maybe the utility workers, but would you ever begrudge the oil industry workers? You just pay at the pump.

  2. Oil industry workers work in the private sector. Utility workers do, too - sort of. (Their industries are regulated out the wazoo.)
