Sunday, November 24, 2013

In case you were thinking that Western civilization had backed away from its suicidal tendencies

Think again.   The Geneva deal has been inked by the P5+1 and Iran.  The US has formally backed away from the no-uranium-enrichment-at-all position that had characterized its policy previously.

Take Israel seriously when it says that it does not consider itself bound by this agreement.

John Bolton says that those who have opposed the pursuit of patty-cake with the mullahs must now openly hope that Israel attacks Iran, and sooner rather than later:

What can critics of the Geneva deal, in Washington and other Western capitals, do? They can try to advance the sanctions legislation pending in the Senate over administration objections, for the political symbolism if nothing else. Unfortunately, they’re unlikely to succeed over the administration’s near-certain opposition. Tehran judges correctly that they have Obama obediently moving in their direction, with the European Union straining at the bit for still-more relaxation of the sanctions regimes.
Instead, those opposing Obama’s “Munich moment” in Geneva (to borrow a Kerry phrase from the Syrian crisis), should focus on the larger and more permanent strategic problem: A terrorist, nuclear Iran still threatens American interests and allies, and almost certainly means widespread nuclear proliferation across the Middle East. A nuclear Iran would also be essentially invulnerable, providing a refuge that al Qaeda leaders hiding in Afghan and Pakistani caves could only dream of.
So in truth, an Israeli military strike is the only way to avoid Tehran’s otherwise inevitable march to nuclear weapons, and the proliferation that will surely follow. Making the case for Israel’s exercise of its legitimate right of self-defense has therefore never been more politically important. Whether they are celebrating in Tehran or in Jerusalem a year from now may well depend on how the opponents of the deal in Washington conduct themselves.

There is no aspect of governance, no area of policy - none - that the post-American party of West-hatred, the Democrats, is not handling in an overtly destructive way.  Health care, the environment, energy, immigration,  Islamic threats, basic cultural matters such as human sexuality and family formation - these are all arenas in which an evil force is taking the opportunity to maximize the desolation it is wreaking on the best way of life humanity has thus far come up with.

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