Thursday, November 7, 2013

And just what kind of "love" holds a couple like this together?

How do such people define the term "family?"  Do they consider the two of them family?

A Texas married couple turns up preggers and gets all indignant because it's difficult for them to exterminate their kid:

The Chicks on the Right parse the levels on which this just blows the mind:

1. Marni and John say that the part of the Texas law that insists doctors have hospital admitting privileges to perform abortions violates their rights.  Except that it doesn't, because there are places they can go IN THEIR OWN FREAKING CITY.  Texas hasn't changed anything about a woman's ability to obtain an abortion at 6 weeks.  All Texas did was require that clinics that perform abortions have a certain level of safety standards in place. The Planned Parenthood that Marni wanted to go to didn't have doctors on staff who had bothered to get admitting privileges at any of the hospitals.  That's not Texas' fault, nor is it an infringement on Marni's "rights" to kill her unborn kid.
2.  Every last argument that this couple made about justifying their "choice" was so self-serving and so completely without regard to the fact that there was another human life at stake.  They were all, "Abortion has such a stigma" as if that's a BAD THING.  People shouldn't be looking at abortion as some sort of insignificant act.  It's brutal and life-ending.  And these two people are acting as though they've been violated in some way.  Please.
3.  The couple is seemingly oblivious to the fact that abortion isn't the only solution to avoid having to raise a child.  It's as if they've never even HEARD THE WORD "adoption."  The reasons they list for not having a kid have nothing to do the pregnancy itself.  Did you notice that?  It was all about the "health of their relationship" and "do they have enough of a foundation built up" and money and whatnot. 

Planned Parenthood is spouting off this nonsense about the TX law:
“This restriction clearly violates Texas women’s constitutional rights by drastically reducing access to safe and legal abortion statewide. We will take every step we can to protect the health of Texas women in the wake of this ruling.”
Except that THEY AREN'T.  Abortions are still accessible.  Doctors can go get some freaking admitting privileges to hospitals if they want.  And if they don't want to, shouldn't that be a red flag anyway?  HELLO.  Why are liberals so hell-bent on having women get abortions in strip mall-like places? How can they even begin to suggest they're looking out for women's safety, when they're busying themselves with campaigns called the Stigma Relief Fund?
They don't care about women's health and safety.  They care only about accessibility and providing as many baby-killing procedures as possible, and about making women who kill their babies feel awesome about it.  This is what they care about.

When Leviathan has convinced us by hook or crook to give up that last shred of our humanity, there will probably be a series of posh and clever cocktail parties across post-America to celebrate.

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