Friday, November 8, 2013

Bibi gains access to Secretary Global Test's ear for a moment before GT leaves for Geneva

. . . and gives him an earful.  Tells him not to sign the agreement about nuclear development with Iran in its current form.  Says it's "a bad deal, a very, very bad deal."

Robert Zarate at the Foreign Policy Initiative explains just why it's so bad.

Secretary GT, don't consign the world to an even greater level of danger, one that would probably usher in a period on human history of irreversible ugliness.

For a little context, consider that GT had just come from a meeting with Israeli officials in which he did nothing to repair the ill will between Israel and the US calling the "settlements" (known to normal people as subdivisions) in the "territories" (that would be Judea and Samaria) "illegtimate".  It ended badly:

The Israeli-Palestinian “peace talks” have reportedly hit a rough patch. The talks on Tuesday were said to have “ended in a row, with raised voices and the exchange of verbal insults.”
It started last week when Israel released the second batch of Palestinian security prisoners, all of whom were serving time for murder or attempted murder. They were welcomed as heroes in Ramallah. Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas shook each freed prisoner’s hand, and they were awarded generous cash grants on top of the stipends they already receive.
Meanwhile, in an attempt to allay outrage particularly on the more right-leaning side of his coalition, Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu announced the building of 3500 housing units for Israelis—all of them either in East Jerusalem or West Bank (Judea and Samaria) settlement blocs. Several Israeli officials claimed the Palestinian side had already consented to such construction as a quid pro quo for the prisoner releases.
Tuesday’s dustup in the talks was said to have erupted over that issue. The Palestinian negotiators claimed their side had never agreed to such a quid pro quo and slammed the construction itself. Many reports said the talks on the whole were on the verge of collapse. 

Planned decline at home, planned decline on the world stage.  That's our Freedom-Hater overlords.

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