Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Why we call them Freedom-Haters - today's edition

As we've said before here at LITD, when it enters the realm of food, it gets personal.  The Institute of Health, a supposedly non-governmental body set up in 1970 by a Congressional charter, has issued a new report saying that obesity is going  to dramatically increase in America over the next couple of decades, and that society and government must drastically alter all kinds of policies, institutions and behavioral norms to address it.  The whole thing - all the proposed initiatives and the overt shift a way from personal responsibility - is designed to hasten our transformation into a herd of cattle.

This has to be called for what it is - totalitarianism - in every outlet of opinion in this society.

This is war.  This is a twilight struggle for freedom and dignity. 

You don't ever compromise or look for "common ground" with these creatures.

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