Thursday, May 10, 2012

I must say, Mittt flat-out impresses me with this one

He's being interviewed by a reporter for a CBS local affiliate.  The reporter wants to know about his views on such front-burner - not - matters as legalizing weed and in-state tuition for illegal immigrants' kids, and he responds -  well, the line is a classic and Newsbusters has the video, so let the Pub candidate deliver it himself.


  1. Who ever said the legalization of weed was on the front burner? No more than who's dicking who and what the heteros are doing about the spoils. The real issues are the economy, which you say is not really the purvue of government, except that they must be left alone (btw, it's JP Morgan's diddlin' with their books again that is really tanking the market now) and international relations (whether you hawks can have your WW III and we'll sort it all out after a substantial kill time vs whether we can work this all out, far too soft & reasonable tack to you freedom lovers).

  2. You know. Israel has been dragging us down along with them for decades. Blessed are the peacemakers. Especially the ones wise enough to avoid WWII.

  3. Why you have such a disdain for the civilization that has made your life so greatly preferable to that lived by 99 percent of history's human beings is beyond me.

  4. I know a wolf when I see one and Netanyahu us a scared one. The worst kind. And he had better listen to those in our country that are now in power sufficient to blow him away too. If he goes in on his own I am for leaving him on his own. My country is America, not Israel, though I certainly admire their universal health care.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Major issue here before us, have you found someone else to blame yet? I'm sure you're fishing.

    Morgan was betting on "continued economic recovery" via a "complex web of trades tied to the values of corporate bonds." Jamie Dimon, Morgan's CEO, explained the bank's hedging strategy was "flawed, complex, poorly reviewed, poorly executed and poorly monitored." Further, he called the blunder "egregious and self-inflicted."
