Wednesday, May 30, 2012

This is what such entropy leads to

Apropos the previous post, Zimbabwe is training a UN-sponsored "peacekeeping mission" to send to Syria.  Seriously.

And the current situation with Syria - which means the current situation with Iran - means that the MEC must basically ask pretty-please for Russia's cooperation, an iffy thing given Russia's decidedly different set of interests.


  1. OMG, OMG, it's time, past time to shock and awe the world again. I have been waiting on Colin Powell's tell-all since he resigned in silent disgust at his treatment at the hands of the Cheneyites you so admire and want to see accomplishing their mission(s) again, your bellyaching has been incessant, has the incessant negativity soaked through to enough of the electorate yet, wah wah, bluster bitch, carp/moan gotta scratch that itch, Praise the Lord (and all the Mormon prophets), then pass the ammunition. Scaty that Mitt is the biggest believer in American exceptionalism we've seen yet. It is at the core of his spriritual beliefs. Perhaps they can use him like they used Powell. Ron Paul has my vote today...

  2. Why you think Zimbabwe's Mugabe regime is a virtuous and worthy participant in global-security efforts, why you think the Iranian regime is on the right side of global dynamics, and why you think the United States should be relegated to the sidelines of world affairs is beyond me.

  3. I do not think what you say I do about that. But I am not an admirer of either the so called Bush Doctrine or Cheneyism. It appears you lust for some semblance of a return to their brand of diplomacy that we forsook even in the midst of their misadventures. This is what got Obama elected. That and the financial meltdown and ensuing Great Recession.that's why RonvPaul has my vote today.

  4. Conservatives generally love everything about Ron Paul except his utterly goofy foreign-policy views. He is absolutely spot-on when it comes to championing limited government and free-market economics. But when he starts into that stuff about how our basic attempts to defeat threats to Western civilization is some kind of imperialism, he loses us big-time.

    He's on record as saying he's fine with Iran getting nukes.

  5. So do you think America should just work its will upon the world militarily because it still pretty much can, without as broad an international coalition of support for whatever we do? We found out what happens when we don't. I know, like you care, since might is right, right?

  6. Yes I do. Might per se is not right, but refusal to acquiesce to evil regimes and actors is always right.

    What the hell is the value of a "broad international coalition"? Per some recent posts and links, we can see that Europe and Latin America are adrift, China and Russia are motivated by pure opportunism, the "Muslim world" is duplicitious at best and has a worldview utterly at odds with ours, and Africa is still trying to sort out its tribal and ethnic layers of history.
    Who the hell even comes close to understanding what's necessary to preserve freedom and human dignity the way we do - or did, until we, too, lost our moral anchor so badly we elelcted the likes of the MEC.

  7. I contend that the MEC's very election was due to our own countrymens' distaste for the way the Cheneyites tried to run, if not rule the world. I have no doubt that after 4 years of the Obama experience our might is still non-paeriel. It is just such misplaced uber-urgency that turns a significant proportion of the national and international community off about you premptive hawks. There will still be time for slaughter, nay Armageddon, should it sosadly and tragically all lead to that. It might have helped if they had ecver found those Iraqui WMDs.
