Thursday, May 17, 2012

Somebody's got some 'splainin' to do

Okay, everybody reading this knows by now about the 1991 booklet by the MEC's literary agent that states he was born in Kenya.  In fact, you've probably also heard that the agent in question, who still works for the agency (which still has the MEC as a client), says it was a mere fact-checking oversight.  Okay, no one in twenty-one years, even in light of the birther dust-up, noticed and corrected this?

Well, that's one situation.  But now there's another situation: a 2004 Associated Press article headlined "Kenyan-born Obama ready to take place in Senate."

UPDATE:  The 1991 booklet was corrected - or whatever - in 2007, but, still, that's sixteen years during which the MEC permitted the previous information - or whatever - to circulate.

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