Friday, September 20, 2019

The climate jackboots are either jumping the shark or they're on the verge of destroying civilization

It's going to depend on how fiercely determined they are. Since most of them are against guns as well, I'm not sure how they intend to enforce their tyrannical vision.

But they do seem determined. A lot of people are pouring into the streets of the world's cities to participate in this climate strike.

But their silliness undermines their effectiveness.

There's NBC's Climate Confessions Project that LITD told you about yesterday.

Consider the self-inflicted life collapse of this person:

Since the federal election, I've been overwhelmed by feelings of dread, grief, and terror of what a heating planet will mean for my life, the ones I love, and our collective future.

For months, getting out of bed has been atrociously difficult. Any thought of the future's terrifying implications, and what they will mean for the later years of my life, has sent me spiraling.
I have bawled my eyes out, and screamed into pillows, and felt a panic so intense it seemed impossible it could be contained in a small, human frame.

Or how about these people? 

The last time Californian climate scientist Peter Kalmus was on an airplane was in 2012: He says it made him feel physically sick and like he was "stealing" from his children's future, and vowed never to fly again.


Some people, like Tarek Maassarani, take their philosophy to what others may see as extremes.

The bespectacled 40-year-old with long blond hair does paid consulting for the United States Institute of Peace and is an adjunct professor at two Washington universities, but performs the bulk of his work in the volunteer sector.

Two years ago, he moved out of a co-housing community in a Washington suburb when his two sons shifted to Utah to live with their mother, and has been living between friends' houses ever since.

Apart from relying almost exclusively on his bicycle for transport, including deep into winter, Maassarani is focused on avoiding buying new products because of the energy-intensive nature of their production.
He instead depends on hand-me-downs, "and I sort of extend the life of things well past what most people would do," finding ways to keep tatty decade-old cell phones and laptops going. 
He gets much of his food from dumpster diving or from the leftovers at buffets from conferences he attends, describing himself as a "supply-and-demand vegan."
This is kind of a unique distortion of the free market. One presidential candidate wants to make bovine flatulence part of the cost of your ribeye or burger:

Democratic presidential hopeful Andrew Yang said Thursday that he would encourage Americans to eat less beef by rolling the cost of the cows’ emissions into the the price of the meat.
These people have lost all claim to be considered adults.

Along with whether they can find an effective way to carry out their aims, another test of whether this thing is on the verge of petering out from its own ridiculousness - or imposing itself with an iron thud - is whether there is a sufficient number of people in this world who have an interest in being adults. It's fewer than it was even recently, but, because by definition they don't make spectacles of themselves, it's difficult to tell now many there are left.


  1. The perception is now that the US under Trump doesn't give a crap about climate change or the environment. Is there any way we can all accommodate what appears to be a great global mass of worried and frightened primates carrying placards, with even Popes on their side?

  2. Message for the World day of Peace, “Peace with God the Creator, Peace with all of creation” (1990):
    “In our day, there is a growing awareness that world peace is threatened not only by the arms race, regional conflicts and continued injustices among peoples and nations, but also by a lack of due respect for nature, by the plundering of natural resources and by a progressive decline in the quality of life. (…) Faced with the widespread destruction of the environment, people everywhere are coming to understand that we cannot continue to use the goods of the earth as we have in the past. (…) The gradual depletion of the ozone layer and the related “greenhouse effect”has now reached crisis proportions as a consequence of industrial growth, massive urban concentrations and vastly increased energy needs. Industrial waste, the burning of fossil fuels, unrestricted deforestation, the use of certain types of herbicides, coolants and propellants: all of these are known to harm the atmosphere and environment. The resulting meteorological and atmospheric changes range from damage to health to the possible future submersion of low-lying lands. (…) The ecological crisis reveals the urgent moral need for a new solidarity, especially in relations between the developing nations and those that are highly industrialized. (…) When the ecological crisis is set within the broader context of the search for peace within society, we can understand better the importance of giving attention to what the earth and its atmosphere are telling us: namely, that there is an order in the universe which must be respected, and that the human person, endowed with the capability of choosing freely, has a grave responsibility to preserve this order for the well-being of future generations. I wish to repeat that the ecological crisis is a moral issue. (…) At the conclusion of this Message, I should like to address directly my brothers and sisters in the Catholic Church, in order to remind them of their serious obligation to care for all of creation.”--St.JohnPaulII,1990

  3. The primates are frightened because they've been fed a load of lies by goose-stepping jackboots and screaming children who have been propagandized by said jackboots.
    There is no climate crisis and the alarmists who say there is hate freedom and human advancement. They are the enemy.

  4. But they hear this from NASA, the UN and Popes going back to the anti Communist hero St. John Paul II. You could empathize more with their concern. And, there is something drastic occurring with sea level rising and the accellerated mass extinction of species. All humans should be concerned

  5. The UN is a shit outfit that peddles this shit in order to support tyranny.
    The sea levels are fine.


  6. "The sea level around Florida is up to 8 inches higher than it was in 1950.1 | 2 This increase is mostly due to ice melting into the ocean and, complicated by the porous limestone that the state sits on, it’s causing major issues. Many traditional methods to solve for sea level rise and flooding in Florida won’t work, because water can flow through the porous ground, up from below, and under sea walls. In Miami-Dade County, the groundwater levels in some places are not high enough relative to the rising sea levels, which has allowed saltwater to intrude into the drinking water and compromised sewage plants. There are already 120,000 properties at risk from frequent tidal flooding in Florida.3 The state is planning over $4 billion in sea level rise solutions, which include protecting sewage systems, raising roads, stormwater improvements, and seawalls."

    Sea level rise is speeding up

    "The sea level around Virginia Key, Florida, has risen by 8 inches since 1950. Its speed of rise has accelerated over the last ten years and it’s now rising by 1 inch every 3 years.2 Scientists know this because sea levels are measured every 6 minutes using equipment like satellites, floating buoys off the coast, and tidal gauges to accurately measure the local sea level as it accelerates and changes."

  7. Dr. Roy Spencer, who has a Ph.D. in meteorology, writing in An Inconvenient Deception, states that compared to Al Gore’s warnings of a sea-level rise of 20 feet, the actual measurement is one inch per decade for over 150 years with no observed acceleration.

    This could not be true if it were anthropogenic (human-caused), since there has been ample time for acceleration since 1940, “which is the earliest that humanity’s greenhouse gas emissions could have had any substantial effect.” Sea-level rise is a process that is mostly natural since it “predates the Industrial Revolution,” Dr. Spencer explains.

    This may be small comfort to the people living in Miami Beach, for example, where sea-level rise has been worse than the average. But a 2017 study reported that the land is sinking at a rate of 3 mm per year—equal to the sea-level rise—causing a doubling of the effect and magnifying the rise of water at lunar high tides.

    No one should “deny” climate change per se. It is a characteristic of the planet upon which we live.

    The argument boils down to how much of it is due to relatively recent anthropogenic increases of atmospheric carbon dioxide compared with the Earth’s natural climate fluctuations caused by other factors including solar activity.. .

    Getting back to that 41-year-old Wall Street Journal headline, the article that accompanied it reported that the temperature rise due to the burning of oil and gas would result in a “sudden deglaciation of the West Antarctic, unfreezing enough water to raise world sea levels by five meters (about 16 feet).” It was further stated that such a sea-level rise could “result in the submergence of much of Florida, Holland and other low-lying areas in the next 50 years.”

    That scenario, though, depended on the worst-case scenario for greenhouse gas emissions, the worst-case scenario for warming, and the worst-case scenario for the effect of warming on the ice. None of those was at all likely, and none of them happened.

    It was far more likely that continental ice melt would continue at about the rate of the past thousands of years—about a foot per century, meaning it would take 1,600 years to achieve the feared 16-foot rise.

    And indeed that’s what’s happened. Sea level has continued to rise at about the same rate of a foot per century, or 1.2 inches per decade. To achieve the 16 feet warned of 41 years ago in 50 years, the rate would now have to jump to 208 inches per decade—nearly 200 times as fast. Anyone want to put a bet on that?

    If you’ve ever visited a new housing development, inland or along the coast, it doesn’t matter, you already know the sandy soil is littered with the shells of mollusks. Have you ever wondered why?

    A December 3, 1993, article that appeared in The Sun Sentinel may have the grim news: “Rising and falling ocean levels complicate the geologic picture. The coast has shifted several times, which is why shells can be found far inland ….”

    Apocalyptic sea-level rise may simply be just a thing of the past.

  8. And that's all the climate-change pissing match activity I'm going to engage in. Hard-left advancement-haters have been trying to draw me into these exchanges for years. I can smell them a mile off. The tactic is to bury the pro-truth side in a bunch of arcane data and get them to cry uncle. Not doing it. Everybody who doesn't have a pro-tyranny agenda knows the planet is not in trouble.

  9. No, climate alarmists, just like race-hustlers and those who would try to get us to believe that gender is fluid, are the enemy.

    This is, at the core, what frustrates me about the Trump phenomenon. It is basically a distraction. The real enemy is the Left. It must be defeated if Western civilization and human decency, dignity and common sense in general has any chance of surviving.

  10. It is absolutely obscene the child abuse that has been inflicted on these little urchins who are screaming into microphones around the nation.

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