Thursday, September 5, 2019

The freedom-hater capital of post-America

I may well never go to San Francisco again. I've been several times, and always enjoyed the visits. Of course, it's rich in history, scenic as can be, and geographically fascinating. (How did they cram a major city onto such a sliver of a peninsula?) But any city for which you need a poop map so as to avoid stepping in junkie feces on the sidewalk is one whose appeal is on the wane.

And now this:

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors passed a resolution on Tuesday declaring the National Rifle Association a “domestic terrorism organization” due to its opposition to more stringent gun-control legislation.
The resolution accuses the NRA of not only resisting legislative reforms that its drafters believe would help curtail the country’s “epidemic of gun violence,” but also of “incit[ing] gun owners to acts of violence.”
“All countries have violent and hateful people, but only in America do we give them ready access to assault weapons and large-capacity magazines thanks, in large part, to the National Rifle Association’s influence,” the resolution says.
The resolution also declares the Board’s intent to “limit those entities who do business with the City and County of San Francisco from doing business with this domestic terrorist organization.” It was drafted following a shooting at the Gilroy Garlic Festival last month that resulted in the deaths of three people, according to local Fox affiliate KTVU.
Seriously. The National Rifle Association.  One of the nation's premier sources of gun-safety information and defense of the US Constitution. Its lineage of presidents includes Charlton Heston.

Democrats want the populace to be defenseless against the totalitarian state they intend to impose.

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