Thursday, September 5, 2019

Two particular stand-out moments at the Freedom-Hater debate last night

This from Kamala Harris:

During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits. 
At the link is a video of the senator chowing down on a pork chop last month at the Iowa State Fair. But it's not the hypocrisy that bugs me. And I've said before, hypocrisy generally tells us nothing about whether what the hypocrite is putting forth is true and right or not. (A possible exception is the consumption of jet fuel required to get these jackboots to their climate conferences. That behavior makes plain that everyone, including the jackboots, understands that it's just fine to use that particular energy form.) It's just the raw totalitarianism of it. As I've also said before, when we start talking about what I choose to put in my mouth, it's personal.

But this one makes clear that Democrats find human life utterly dispensable:

 A member of the audience, Martha Readyoff, who was identified as a teacher, told Sanders the planet has experienced a doubling of human population growth in the last 50 years and this is unsustainable.  
“I realize this is a poisonous topic for politicians but it’s crucial to face,” she said. “Empowering women and educating everyone on the need to curb population growth seems a reasonable campaign to enact. Would you be courageous enough to discuss this issue and make it a key feature of a plan to address climate catastrophe?”
"The answer's yes,'" Bernie answered. "Women in the United States of Americas, by the way, have a right to control their own bodies and make reproductive decisions."
"And the Mexico City agreement — which denies American aid to those organizations around the world that allow women to have abortions or even get involved in birth control — to me is totally absurd," he continued. "So, I think, especially in poor countries around the world where women do not necessarily want to have large numbers of babies and where they can have the opportunity through birth control to control the number of kids they have, it's something I very strongly support."
These people are into population control. Never mind that population growth is slowing down in most areas of the world. But that's not even the main point. The idea of a centralized authority determining the right number of human souls ought to chill our bones.

These people must never get one subatomic particle of power more than any of them have right now.

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