Thursday, September 12, 2019

Democrats assume the entire post-American populace has already become the cattle-masses

My sister called me a few minutes ago to say that DNC spokesperson Xochitl Hinohosa was on Fox & Friends this morning and asked something along the lines of what kind of presidential candidate she thinks the American people are looking for. She responded that they want to find one who will use government to "make their lives easier."

Make their lives easier. Really let that sink in.

As I frequently have occasion to say on the Barney & Clyde podcast, what would James Madison say about that?

My God, how far we have fallen.

The federal government has one overarching reason for existing: to protect your sovereignty as an individual.

You don't have a right to an easier life. It's obviously a desirable objective, and what you do have is the right to see about creating that for yourself.

And who gets to define "easier"? What I'd envision as an easier life might look more arduous or filled with obstacles to you, and vice versa.

I hope LITD is not the only outlet that is going to pick up on this.

Don't be a cow. Be a human being. Don't want the government to make your life easier.


  1. We all want easy. We certainly complain to whatever and whoever makes our lives djfficult, don't we? We have legal remedies to seek compensation from those people or entities who make our lives difficult. Corporations advertise their promises that products and services they provide will make aspects of our lives easier. When you view government as the agent for the execution of the will of the majority and the fount of certain collective services such as military and pilice protection, education and transportation, then where is the harm in facilitating ease?

    1. The harm is not free market 'facilitating ease', as purchased individually by those who want whatever 'facilitating ease' product may be offered, the harm is a government mandated product. Thing Obamacare for example.

  2. Well, we gave you the 1040 Ez form didn't we? (In jest,nervous lol)
