Friday, January 29, 2016


Read the latest post at Political Hat. Won't try to excerpt from it, as it's full of links and excerpts itself. But it's one of those big-picture pieces that compels one to think anew about how very late in the day it is.

Our civilization is dying. Are we going to do anything about it?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  3. 1) a little music to set the tone, yes it's from the past but appropriate, The Pathetique--how fitting for so late in the day....

    2) Isn't Russia part of Western Civ (WC)?

    3) Cultural relativism has always been the way. God's way? As our globe shrinks due to technological & scientific advances we find that the relativism has been there all along, as we were warring over God's world.

    4) And I am familiar with a program that advances and applauds gratitude. There are 40,000 meetings a week in NYC alone. It is not dead. It is to spread. Hope take (these broken) wings and(learn to ) fly!

  4. 2.) What does Russia have to do with this post? I'll go ahead and say a little about this anyway: It can be argued that Russia is a Western nation, but it has for some time, certainly the last century, positioned itself as a foil to the West, seen itself as a balancing power to Europe and the Americas.

    3.) Yay.You still know what the author is talking about.

  5. Russia was a part of one of your prior posts fearing for the survival of western civilization. My point is that you and your ilk are hawks from previous differing eras and that yes, we can and will move on as a civilization without war. Seen that one on facebook with pics of Trump & Cruz above their hawkish quotes side by side with Ike and his dovish ones. Ike had been there and hated war. Your ilk seems to continually want to wage it.

    Yay, I've heard about and practice gratitude and so do millions of others so why complain that we as a society don't when a lot of us within the society do?


  6. “I think that people want peace so much that one of these days government had better get out of their way and let them have it.”

    Dwight David Eisenhower quotes (American 34th President (1953-61). 1890-1969)

  7. How do you achieve peace in s world of hostile actors that are agressing against us?

  8. And the idea that Ike was some kind of Cindy Sheehan is ludicrous. Did he dismantle the Defense Department?

  9. No, but he did not go throwing his hawkish weight around like Trump and Cruz, Cheney and Rummy and others of your ilk (excepting Trump of course who we at least agree we both detest).

  10. There have been and are currently dire threats to America. You either see that or suffer from some kind of ideological delusion

  11. There always have been dire threats that the hawks see. Like Nam, even on the heels of getting out of Korea, it was supposedly a threat. Stop the spread of Communism in Southeast Asia. If anything, our bombs that exeeeded the # dropped by the combined forces during World War II invoked even more resolve in the enemy. We lost and you blamed your own countrymen and have been blaming their ilk ever since.

  12. Yep, I indeed blame fellow countrymen for that one, such as Lyndon Johnson, Robert McNamara, Richard Nixon. I blame micro management of the battlefield from Washington and incremental escalation and useless Paris peace talks. But I refuse to turn this into a digression on Vietnam. The reason the world enjoyed relative stability, even though it was still fraught with its share of conflicts and dangers, from 1945 to 2009 is because America demonstrated leadership and resolve.

  13. Yep, I indeed blame fellow countrymen for that one, such as Lyndon Johnson, Robert McNamara, Richard Nixon. I blame micro management of the battlefield from Washington and incremental escalation and useless Paris peace talks. But I refuse to turn this into a digression on Vietnam. The reason the world enjoyed relative stability, even though it was still fraught with its share of conflicts and dangers, from 1945 to 2009 is because America demonstrated leadership and resolve.
