Thursday, January 28, 2016

The looney bin formerly known as Western civilization

A parlor game I play with myself from time to time is which ten cabinet-level departments I'd immediately dismantle if given the power to do so. (Ted Cruz has played this one, too - one of the reason's he's LITD's guy in this race.)

It seems to me the Labor Department would be ripe for obliteration:

The Department of Labor has proposed a rule that would remove the words “he” and “she” from an anti-discrimination regulation in order to “avoid the gender binary” — which is obviously something that must be avoided at all costs. The rule replaces “‘he or she’ with ‘the individual,’ ‘person,’ or other appropriate identifier,” according to the document’s text.
It also updates the list of things that count as banned discrimination under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act to include “sex stereotyping, transgender status, and gender identity.” As the Washington Free Beacon notes, the change would require job centers to spend $4 million updating their posters and equal opportunity notices alone — something the department referred to as an “important benefit to society.” “Our nation’s workforce system should reflect our commitment to diversity,” U.S. Secretary of Labor Thomas E. Perez said according to the announcement of the rules. That same announcement referred to the changes as being “necessary.” 
How many years ago would 99 percent of post-Americans have laughed at this as the product of the wildest imaginations? It can't be over five.

We all know that culture is upstream from politics. What matters more than who we elect as the next president or the composition of the next Congress is finding a way to thwart the Great Leveling Project and take the concepts of normalcy and human nature out of mothballs.

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