Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The issue is never the issue

Irene Stärkehaus at Illinois Review captures the essence of yesterday's tear-fest held by the Most Equal Comrade. As with the climate, or health care, or gender identity, the particular issue at hand is merely the vehicle for what Freedom-Haters always primarily aim for: raw power.

Q. Would Barack Obama's executive order do as he promises and save lives?
A. Drum roll please. The answer is… irrelevant because Barack Obama's actions were unconstitutional. Good intentioned or not, the ends do not justify the means. He has no authority to do what he did.
That's all you need to know. Moreover, his unconstitutional executive order was purposefully redundant to the existing laws…laws already on the books and isn't that just a little curious? You should be asking yourself then, "Why? Why waste his illegal action on an order that does nothing more than clarify what we already have?"
Because his action was the point of this whole exercise. It's a red herring. It's not about the guns. It's about getting away with an illegal executive order. I don't care how dazzling, how pure, how emotive the tear that fell down his cheek was. Barack Obama didn't just have some "Come to Jesus" moment in the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre and suddenly say, "Hey, I think we need to do something about guns," as he so speciously claims.
Barack Obama needed Sandy Hook. He feeds off of the sociopathic actions of mass murders like a tape worm feeds off its host. He needs these sociopaths in order to fundamentally change America. Without them, without their violence, without the death of those innocent children, there would be no call to action. In order for progressivism to succeed, Dems need as many Sandy Hooks as possible. Without this violence epidemic there would be no one who would even consider saying, "if it could save just one young life, isn't it worth scrapping our freedoms?"
Barack Obama's whole political life has been geared toward empowering the sociopaths toward active violence specifically for the moment where he could slash away the gossamer lace of protection that a two-hundred-year old document grants the people of the United States to reveal that the Constitution isn't even worth the parchment upon which it is written if no one will enforce it.
Barack Obama is setting precedent and laying the ground work for future executive actions to be decreed by Democrat presidents who believe if they want something done then that's all the parliamentary procedure they need to evoke change. More's the folly, because given that reality, a Republican president will eventually get into office and may still fail to do anything that will prevent the future authoritarianism of illegal executive orders.

She then rightly proceeds to rip Congress a new one for letting this happen.

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