Sunday, January 24, 2016


Credit must be given to PJ Media. In the post below, I excerpt from Roger L. Simon's piece in which he has a lot of positive things to say about Squirrel-Hair's man-of-action "pragmatism." Variety of viewpoint is to be found on the site, however.

In fact, Paula Bolyard speaks for me precisely in her latest piece:

I watch it unfold feeling like a guy whose best friend just started dating the town floozy. I try to tell him that she’s sleeping around, she’s betraying him, she’ll break his heart, but he’s too smitten to hear me. 
That's exactly what it feels like when you try to have a conversation with Trump's ardent followers. They are card-carrying members of Trump's cult of personality now, and I fear they're not coming back. You can't reason people out of something they haven't been reasoned into. Many of these people are caught up in the emotion of this moment and it doesn't bother them one bit that a man who could quite possibly become president of the United States in a few months is openly bragging that his sycophants will blindly follow him, no matter what he does. But don't worry. It's all a show! He's just entertaining the crowds and schlepping for votes. He doesn't really mean any of this crazy stuff. Except for the stuff we like, and then we're sure that he really, truly (pinky promise!) means all of that. Because he fights!
I've never in my life been so frightened for my country.
That's where LITD is.

Never more frightened? Not even in 2008 and 2012, when this country elected the most poisonous, destructive, freedom-hating figure in its history?


Because even then there was no charlatan hijacking the one worldview that has the formula for true human advancement and happiness.

And that charlatan has indeed hijacked it. Big-time.

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