Saturday, December 5, 2015

Why we call them God-and-America-haters - today's edition

The word goes out from the overlords at the University of Tennessee - Knoxville:

 . . . at the Knoxville campus of the University of Tennessee, school administrators actually want to play the role of Christmas Grinches

The directive — entitled “Best Practices for Inclusive Holiday Celebrations in the Workplace” — instructed students and staff on how to effectively avoid the travesty of hosting a not very inclusive “holiday” party.
These steps for ensuring an adequately diverse event include: “Refreshment selection should be general, not specific to any religion or culture” and “Holiday parties should not play games with religious or cultural themes,” such as “Dreidel” and “Secret Santa.”
The reason for these intrusive measures is to make sure everyone “celebrate[s] your religious and cultural holidays in ways that are respectful and inclusive of our students.”
Tennessee state legislators did express outrage and considered firing the school chancellor. Alas, the only response from the university was a "clarification."

This is the end product of the smiley-face, nice-person "inclusion" push in post-America.

The real point is the obliteration of our cultural foundations. In short, a self-hatred that the overlords demand you share, given your inherent guilt as a product of Western civilization.

They think they have us conquered.

They'll see some real conquest when the actual victors declare their caliphate.

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