Saturday, December 12, 2015

The Most Equal Comrade: our Israel-hater-in-chief

Only the MEC could come up with this way to celebrate Chanukah:

the White House chose Susan Talve to light the Menorah. Talve is a member of the anti-Israel group T'ruah which is currently promoting assorted "soft BDS" programs. She's also a Ferguson activist. Her behavior was deeply insulting to the religious Jewish community and made it clear that the White House was determined to hijack even a Chanukah party to promote an anti-Jewish agenda.
So the general conviviality of the Chanukah party was disrupted by a crazed rant from Susan Talve in which she seemed determined to jam as many leftist talking points as possible in her limited time. Instead of talking about Chanukah, Talve blathered on about getting, "guns off our streets" and to "clean up the fires of toxic nuclear waste".
Talve screeched, "I stand here with my fierce family of clergy and black lives matter activists who took to the streets of Ferguson". 
Having celebrated the race riots which destroyed a community, she pivoted to Syrian Muslim migrants. Chanukah is a celebration of the Maccabees defeating a Syrian occupation, but Talve may not even know that. Radical clergy tend to be light on the religion and heavy on the social justice.
Instead she rambled on about how the "gates of this nation would stay open for all immigrants and all refugees".
Then, not satisfied with having made a disgrace of the Chanukah ceremony, Susan Talve declared, "I stand here to light these lights to say no the darkness of Islamophobia and Homophobia and Transphobia."
Talve babbled about insuring "justice for Palestinians" and began gleefully chanting, "Ins'Allah, Ins'Allah". Or "Allah Willing".  
The task of restoring post-America to its former status as the United States of America is going to be so very daunting. The damage is gargantuan.

H/T: Thomas Lifson at American Thinker


  1. Half the jews in the world are in the US where they comprise 4.5% of the population and half of these are secular. In American history we probably killed off more indigenous peoples than Hitler did Jews. We also continued to enslave a race here for nearly a century after we were fab. And bloggie wants a return to our former status? Jut wondering what he thinks were our Golden Years.

  2. There it is, folks - raw America-hatred on full display.

  3. Must take a Canadian born Cuban fallen away from the faith of his fathers to show us the light. It's OK here now for even Catholics if not socialists here Ted.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. It is always good to remember history lest we repeat it. You can sound like Joe McCarthy sometimes.

  6. Whenever a remark about America starts out with a mention of slavery and the European encounter with the aboriginal groups already here and couches it as some kind of wholesale ethnic cleansing,you can be sure you're dealing with a hard-left view of this country indistinguishable from that of the Most Equal Comrade
