Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Good litmus test of your understanding of how dire the West's predicament is: whether or not you think the Most Equal Comrade made a fool of himself by saying this

The MEC's poisonous utterances while in Paris just keep heaving up in projectile fashion all over everybody's suits:

Speaking from Paris Tuesday at the global climate change summit, know as COP21, President Obama touted his "investment" in solar power through the 2009 stimulus package. 
There's just one huge problem. The so-called "investment" in solar power through the stimulus package was a total failure and was only issued as a favor to Democrat friends and big corporate campaign backers. Four years ago, the bankruptcy of the solar company Solyndra was a big scandal, but because there have been a number of Obama administration scandals since, it's difficult to keep track and remember. 
If Western civilization should survive this monster's period of post-American rule, the mental-health profession will need to come up with a new classification of the particular kind of madness with which he is afflicted.


  1. That of course was bullshit, or dog vomit, as you were formerly fond of saying. Still, there is indeed something going on here on planet earth and we still don't know what it is, but your ilk does it appears. When the Olympics in Bejing were plagued by air pollution and now we hear the water in Rio is rife with pathogens far offshore.

    All I am saying is the verdict is not in yet. But the debate has gotten real ugly. I know, because I joined the fray over on facebook with your posting about it. It gets personal real fast, even if you thought you expressed doubt and uncertainty about it all. Ask Il Papa, he feels it too.

  2. It sure does get personal. Those jackboots who demand that normal people swallow their hooey about the climate being in some kind of trouble get vicious real fast when one deigns to call them in their tyranny.

  3. Count me out of the personal debates on facebook then.

  4. I do not appreciate being told to look in the mirror to see a Peronist and a Jesuit by someone I don't know and who certainly does not know me. But I will take being called a Jesuit anytime. The inference is that this current pope is somehow not a pope. The Jesuits educated a hero of yours: WFB.

  5. Your ilk continues their "not with us, against us" mentality. I think that is one reason for the rise of independent voters. Not that the Dems are anything like the Dems we grew up with.

  6. Meanwhile Donald Trump continues to be leader of the Pack for what some call (though never of course not I) the Pubtards, so one can expect to be personally insulted on a regular basis by a lot of, can't say your ilk here because I know you detest (fear?) him as much as I.
