Saturday, December 12, 2015

Ted is clearly bothering Squirrel-Hair

We know that Ted took immediate measures to put the kibosh on any notions of a cage match between himself and S-H after S-H posted one of his customarily bone-headed tweets - basically yet another boast about his poll numbers - in response to Ted's remarks about the nation needing someone with sound judgement.

Whether there is a cage match may not be Ted's to choose.

S-H chose Iowa - and blatant pandering to its corn lobby - to try to cast Ted's principled stand against ethanol subsidies in a bad light:

The Donald literally said:
With the ethanol, really, he's got to come a long way, 'cause right now he's for the oil. But I understand it, oil pays him a lot of money. He's got to be for oil, right? But I'm with you. I'm self-funding. I have no oil company. I have no special interest.
Of course The Donald is a special interest, but it would be rather inconvenient for him to point that out. And so he's playing the self-funding card once again, hoping it'll give him the edge, while defending crony capitalism.
Trump apparently thinks that he can win Iowa by defending ethanol subsidies. This is what he does: he tries to buy people's votes. The difference with Cruz is stark: the senator from Texas chooses principles over short-term political gain. Unlike what Trump seems to believe, this principled approach to politics is one of the main reasons very conservative and evangelical voters are enamored with Cruz.
Notice S-H's angle of choice: claiming that Cruz is beholden to oil companies. Sheesh, that's the kind of claim radical greenies make. But it makes sense coming from S-H. In his world, everybody is bought and sold. Except King Donald, who is so rich he only buys others.

Squirrel-Hair is so foul, so wrong for this nation, that I have to believe Providence has plans running counter to his. Then again, there's a track record established for letting a formerly special nation crumble when it chooses the proscribed path rather than the one set forth by the law and the prophets.

It may be that late in the day for post-America.


  1. One of your recent links blames the left for S-H, even. Although the phrase Tea Party has waned, who is to blame for Ted Cruz?

  2. No one is to "blame" for him. The reason for his success is that there are still a sufficient number of Americans who love God, freedom and the Constitution that he has been able to accomplish what he has.

  3. Do Cruz supporters love God more? How do they do this?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
