Thursday, December 3, 2015

The fruits of patty-cake - today's edition

Your tax dollars went for countless trips of Secretary Global-Test, Wendy Sherman and their entourage to Vienna and Geneva to permit themselves - and post-America collectively - to be humiliated and fooled by one of its enemies, but they swore it all culminated in an historic deal that was airtight and would guarantee the safety of post-Americans from Iranian nuclear attack.

It was a load of dog vomit. This deal looks worse by the day.

An official determination that Iran formerly worked to build a nuclear weapon — despite Tehran's ardent claims to the contrary — is just the latest bad omen for the prospects of the nuclear deal involving the country, critics of the agreement said Wednesday.
Hours after an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) assessment leaked to the press, key opponents of the nuclear deal warned that it was proof Iran was getting a light sentence from the rest of the globe.
“I think we’re getting off to a very, very poor start,” Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) told reporters after a roughly two-hour top-secret committee hearing.
“These are exactly the things that we talked about during the hearing process that raised concerns and they’re being validated right now,” he added.
“It just sets a very bad precedent that if Iran thinks it can violate the world’s will, as expressed by Security Council resolutions, and in essence face no consequence for it," said Sen. Bob Menendez (N.J.), one of the four Democrats who voted against the deal in September.
"Then what makes it think that whatever sanctions or other protocols we have moving forward in the [nuclear deal], that they won’t think in the long term that they can get away with violations of that?"
The IAEA report, which was leaked to multiple news outlets on Wednesday but won’t be formally approved until Dec. 15, concludes that Iran conducted preliminary work to build a nuclear weapon, but ceased that activity at least five years ago. 

Our partners in patty-cake were actively pursuing a nuclear weapon as recently as 2009.

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