Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Of course, the big question is whether this is an Archduke Ferdinand moment.

It's pretty big, in any case. It exposes yet more fault lines in the Syrian mess, possibly pitting NATO against Russia.

It's not every day that Turkey shoots down a Russian fighter jet, and then someone shoots down the rescue helicopter that comes to the scene.

Putin calls it a "stab in the back."

While Erdogan is hardly a defensible figure, one can see how he had just about had it with Russian incursions into Turkish airspace.

Also consider that Putin was just in Tehran, visiting not just with government officials, but the Ayatollah Khomeini.

This thing is a real bag of snakes.


  1. Christ, spare me from these theatrics.

  2. Your ilk decries American weakness again, in the wake of the Paris attacks. I like seeing countries like France & Russia, latest victims of terrorism stepping up to the plate with tough talk and aggressive retaliation. We have always been in this together, but when you got Iron Asses here calling the shots, the rest of the world just basically let's our young men and women fight the fight and deal with the consequences, including being accused of starting wars. I applaud Obama for letting them think this is their responsibility and their fight too. I am sure you will disagree and again cite him for weakness and, worse, jeopardizing the world, when in fact it is the terrorists that are to blame, not Obama and certainly not the United States.

  3. I sure will disagree . The United States would have led a decisive effort to wipe out ISIS, long before things got to this point

  4. I sure will diaagree too. The previous administration created ISIS. This one has tried a different tack. Terrorism has been a continual threat since the Carter administration. No one has defeated it yet because of the different nature of this beast. Why should I believe your ilk now?

  5. I sure will diaagree too. The previous administration created ISIS. This one has tried a different tack. Terrorism has been a continual threat since the Carter administration. No one has defeated it yet because of the different nature of this beast. Why should I believe your ilk now?

  6. Horse shit. Would you care to offer at least a morsel of rationale for your silly and baseless assertion that the previous administration created ISIS? And don't link to or quote some left-wing source. Just present facts as you know them. Al-Qaeda in Iraq - the forerunner of ISIS - was a dwindling ragtag band in 2008.

  7. You should believe my ilk because things are exponentially worse than they have ever been with regard to a jihadist threat.
