Sunday, November 29, 2015

The identity-politics jackboots storm another campus's administrative offices

Harmony, integration and judging people on the content of their characters is not what this bunch is after:

A mob of black students at one of Canada’s liberal arts colleges has been caught on camera intimidating white administrators, including an Associate Vice-President, yelling, “You will give us the respect that we ask of you,” and presenting a list of segregationist demands.

Brenda Whiteside, Associate Vice-President of Student Affairs at the University of Guelph, was trapped in her office by a gang of protesters who whooped and clicked their fingers as two of their number accused the college of being “rooted in anti-black racism.”
The footage, which appeared briefly on before being taken down, has not previously been published. It shows a large group of black students surrounding two white college administrators while their leaders jab their fingers and shout at Whiteside, demanding more black support and academic staff. 
The University of Guelph’s Assistant Vice President for Human Rights and Equity, Jane Ngobia, is a black woman.
The Guelph video shows how odd the language of campus protest has become. “How many racialised [sic] students do we have?” asks one protester. “White students can go in and talk to a white counsellor. What about us?” The first adds: “Are you even around racialised people?”
Also disturbing are the plainly segregationist demands the students make. They appear to tell administrators they cannot be represented or “validated” by white staff and that only black staff can cater to their needs. “We’re not being acknowledged. And that’s fundamentally problematic,” says a boy who identifies himself as a campus athlete.
The athlete says he has, “Never left my campus and not thought [racial abuse] is gonna happen. And for me to just implicitly feel that’s comfortable is problematic.” The word “problematic” is echoed around the protesting students as a sort of mantra.
Another student agrees that she is “scared to go out.” The University of Guelph is one of Canada’s most liberal educational institutions. 
Well, U of G, there's your problem right there: having an Assistant Vice President for Human Rights and Equity. It just indulges these goose-steppers' belief that they have some kind of legitimate gripe. You should have foreseen that it would come back to bite you.


  1. This is more an indication of youth they way they've always been rather than it being so very late in the day. What is different is that the administration(s) are taking them seriously. Nobody I talk to seems to be. They are right though decrying student loan debt.

  2. They chose where to go to college. Their debt is their problem.

  3. Yep.It's rare that anyone goes to college now for learning anything than how to make a buck anyway.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Did you realize that even 45% of college graduates never pick up a book after graduation? Gives you some sense of the depth of argument they are capable of.

    Read more at Kozol, Jonathan (1985). Illiterate America. New York: New American Library. pp. 37–39. ISBN 0-452-26203-8.
