Thursday, April 3, 2014

The warped worldview and tyrannical hand of the Most Equal Comrade

This is what he told post-America's top military leaders in 2010:

Coast Guard Commandant Adm. Robert Papp said that in 2010 Obama told U.S. military leaders to accept his push for gays in the military, and that if they didn't, they could take the "opportunity to resign [their] commissions."

Papp said these things in a video BuzzFeed obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request.
The video shows a speech Papp delivered to Coast Guard Academy cadets during which he was asked how he would deal with enforcing an order with which he didn't agree. He used the story of his 2010 meeting with Obama as an example of how service members' duties can be compelling and conflicting with personal desires.
He said:
We were called into the Oval Office and President Obama looked all five service chiefs in the eye and said, "This is what I want to do." I cannot divulge everything he said to us, that's private communications with the Oval Office, but if we didn't agree with it – if any of us didn't agree with it – we all had the opportunity to resign our commissions and go do other things.

Bogging the world's most effective fighting force in social-engineering experiments, and being dictatorial about it.  That's the MEC way.


  1. Some other prexy might have had to look some brass in the eye and say essentially the same thing back when.

    The law of 1792, which generally prohibited enlistment of blacks in the Army became the United States Army's official policy until 1862.

  2. It would be another 86 years before the negro soldier was treated like the white soldier.

    "In 1948, President Harry S. Truman's Executive Order 9981 ordered the integration of the armed forces shortly after World War II, a major advance in civil rights. Using the E.O meant that Truman could bypass Congress. Representatives of the Solid South, all white Democrats, would likely have stonewalled related legislation."

  3. In case you hadn't noticed, there's a huge difference between race and sexual orientation. A soldier, sailor, pilot or Marine of any race who has a normal sexual orientation is able to focus on becoming the best warrior possible. All kinds of complexities about interaction within units is introduced when you get into unconventional sexual orientations.

  4. What continues to come to light are all the criminal instances of heterosexual power rape in the military. Shoulda never let them ladies sign up either and, as you might know, there was some considerable dissension in the ranks when they were let in. A heterosexual military has always marched on both it's stomach and it's whores. What a beautiful world it was wasn't it?

  5. It is probably best for a military to be all-male. Although it was a female soldier who confronted the Ft Hood shooter yesterday, which seems to have been a factor in his shooting himself.

  6. So you cast none of your legion of aspersions at the military sexual assault problem. I say problem not crisis because a crisis is something immediate and a problem is more long-standing. Wonder if any brass tried to wail his way out of admitting women to our military academies back in da day? Yeppers, if you really want to be free, avoid the military that your ilk seems to constantly and consistently adore. You may believe that war is inevitable based on the past, but many of us still remember what we lived. if we don't, some wise man said we are condemned to repeat it.
