Saturday, April 19, 2014

Billy Jeff the Zipper had misgivings about the H-Word Creature's health-care plan

Per documents from the Billy Jeff era released yesterday, it seems he was concerned about the very thing that the Most Equal Comrade later thought it was fine to lie about:

In one series of memos discussing Hillarycare, Bill was clearly worried that his wife's scheme was a nonstarter with voters. "A lot of them want to know they can keep their own plan if they like it," he said, presciently echoing the debate Americans are currently having over Obamacare.
These documents show that Democrats not only knew as far back as 2008 that a massive overhaul of health care would cause millions of Americans to lose their insurance, but they knew all the way back in 1993 that it would happen.

I always thought she was the more radical of the two.  His main motive for a career in politics was to meet girls.


  1. If you can believe Freud, every male's main motive is to meet girls.

  2. I love my truck. And, suddenly, although I never gave it much thought before, my health insurance.
