Wednesday, February 12, 2014

One thing that does get a post-American Eloi's dander up is being addressed with gender-specific pronouns

Their hormones may be a stew of confusion, but these transgendered types take umbrage at not having their delicate sensibilities catered to with great care:

A catering worker named Valeria Jones who claims to identify as NEITHER female nor male is suing Bon Appetit Management company for a half million dollars, because co-workers there dared to refer to her as female, even though she asked them not to. Valeria says she was called HIGHLY INSULTING THINGS like  "miss,” and “lady” but claims that those terms are unwelcome, because she's neither male nor female, and she prefers to be addressed with a gender neutral pronoun, which she does not list in her lawsuit, but I'm guessing it's on the list I referred you to in this post.
You'll notice that I'm referring to her as a "she" because I refuse to use made up meaningless words just to appease some freak who refuses to recognize simple BIOLOGY.   And look - those of you who've been around a while know that I am delighted that our LGBT conservative friends are part of this commenting community, because they've been great contributors, and I appreciate them just as I do our heterosexual friends.  What I don't appreciate is litigious dirtbags, regardless of their sexual identity, who claim to be offended because people don't use "gender neutral" pronouns - when most people have no idea those even exist in the first place.  If you're a person who refuses to identify as either a male or a female, that is YOUR ISSUE and yours alone.  And you can't expect the rest of the world to accommodate your absurdity. 
According to the suit, Valeria started working for Bon Appetit in March of 2013, and left the question about sex/gender blank.  She wasn't pressed about it at the time, but during the next few months, she spoke to managers about having them address employees as a group and presenting information about gender identity.  The management declined to participate in those reindeer games, and rightly so, because it's a freaking place of business, not a group therapy session.  So the lawsuit goes on to say that Valeria cried at home and at work regularly during this entire ordeal, and ultimately resigned.  She allegedly complained to HR, who never contacted her about the issue, probably because when they got a note from her saying, "People are calling me a woman and that is unwelcome" they thought it was a huge joke. 
Valeria is asking for just over 18 grand in lost wages and benefits, and the additional 500k is for "humiliation and suffering."

Does she realize she is limiting her career options? Then again, this is post-America, where the government can probably make a business use weird new gender-neutral pronouns by executive decree.

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