Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A noteworthy little provision in yesterday's decree by the Most Equal Comrade


The regulations . . . say that effective yesterday, employers may not shed employees or work hours just to get below the 100-employee threshold – and thus avoid Obamacare’s penalties for another full year.
One scholar called the latest changes “Orwellian.”
“So, figure out what that means,” Marc Thiessen of the American Enterprise Institute told Fox News’s Megyn Kelly Monday night. “American businesses have to justify their hiring decisions and firing decisions to the IRS. So, if you have 101 employees and you lay off two people (to get into the 50- to 99-employee category), you have to tell Big Brother why you did it. And you have to justify it. I mean, that is Orwellian.”
Thiessen said hiring and layoff decisions are none of the government’s business:
“We have a free market economy, not a command economy. It's not the government's business to tell you.”
Thiessen said under Obamacare, “the government creates a false incentive to lay off workers and then punishes you on pain of perjury, a criminal offense, for doing what the incentive leads to you to do…I mean, it is just insane.”

It is so very late in the day.

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