Sunday, February 16, 2014

I suppose it's progress that at least we know we were had

Post-Americans have now seen what's in it, and San Fran Nan better be glad no one read it back there in 2009:

A new poll puts Obama’s false promise, “if you like your healthcare plan you can keep it,” in perspective: 64% of Americans say ObamaCare would’ve never passed if Americans had known the truth in 2009.
Moreover, the Fox news poll found the sentiment to be spread across all party lines, with 74% of Republicans, 68% of Independents and 54% of Democrats saying Obama’s unpopular healthcare program would never have passed.
Even more troubling, 56% of Americans said ObamaCare was more about the government seizing control of citizens’ lives, versus just 40% who felt Obama’s plan was about improving healthcare.
Perhaps the most troubling finding of the poll for Team Obama is this: 55% of respondents under 30 said they wish ObamaCare had never been passed. This group is critical to the success of the program; without strong participation by younger healthier people to offset older less healthy participants, experts — and even the administration itself — say ObamaCare cannot succeed.

Everything the Freedom-Haters do is about seizing control of citizens' lives.  Whether you're talking about health care, the environment, diversity, or wages and prices, the real matter at hand for the enemy is control.

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