Thursday, September 29, 2011

As of now, it's Herman for LITD

At this point, the GOP prez-candidate field shakes out thusly: There are four great candidates with some problematic aspects to them (Bachmann, Santorum, Perry and Gingrich), one contender so egregiously problematic that he is really this cycle's hold-your-nose guy (Romney), two ridiculous candidates that can be dismissed out of hand (Paul and Johnson) and one fantastic candidate whose shortcomings are negligible, at least as of this writing.

That's right. Herman Cain is the best Pub candidate this year. His personal story is, as is getting noted all over the place, remarkable. He understands the relationship between the government's power to tax and regulate and the scope of our freedom. He turned around two failing restaurant chains by containing costs and working to maximize profits. He would scrap the EPA.
As a man, he embodies deep faith, analytical prowess and plain-spokenness. He has a great sense of humor.
He's genuine in every sense.
Look for his surge to continue.


  1. I know biz guys are all the rage, why I can't fathom since so many of them have run their businesses and the overall economy into the ground, fraudulently or stupidly or both, but government is not business.

  2. Let's not swallow the silly pill here. What percentage of businesses - and since you didn't break them down by size, type or any other way, we'll just talk about all businesses in the US - get run into the ground? If it were some kind of majority, which it's not, that would bolster the case for Herman, who turned two failing businesses around. But another reason why biz guys make great elected officials is that they understand what business - the lifeblood of the country - needs, namely, low taxes and freedom from regulation.

  3. Uh, well, let's start with the banks, move on to the auto companies, and we'll look up the other stats from here. Rick Scott down here in Florida has shown he is often clueless when it comes to governing. I expect lots of howls from other corners when you get your man or woman in the Big House. You like the howls when they're not from your camp. Your screeches have been interminable since before Day 1 of the Obama term. Never forget that the first nationwide Tea Party rallies were less than three months after he was sworn in. What does that tell you?

  4. It tells me that huge numbers of Americans were horrified that this country had elected a hardcore revolutionary socialist as president and wanted no part of bailouts, stimuli, socialized healthcare, EPA regulations, thug labor tactics and redistributive tax policies. Not to mention appeasement of enemies.

  5. I'll take two large pizzas to go. From the other guy's chain, just to be spiteful.

  6. I hadn't heard. Did Obama steal the election or what?

  7. And yeah, TP darling Rick Scott really ran his health care co. good. In 1987 he helped found the Columbia Hospital Corporation with two business partners; this merged with Hospital Corporation of America in 1989 to form Columbia/HCA and eventually became the largest private for-profit health care company in the U.S. He was forced to resign as Chief Executive of Columbia/HCA in 1997 amid a scandal over the company's business and Medicare billing practices; the company ultimately admitted to fourteen felonies and agreed to pay the federal government over $600 million.
