Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Another gem from a guy who consistently writes them

Dennis Prager on why young Americans can't think morally anymore.

1 comment:

  1. Somewhat agreed with, but with 2 Bil Christians and 14 Mil Jews (half of which are secular) on a planet containing 6 Bil, how can he wonder what else is there.

    It is all a matter of conditioning, isn't it? As an indoctrinated cradle Roman Catholic Christian I often wonder what the Spirit has to do with it all, i.e., that still small voice? Is that anything but a feeling? I presume Mr. Praeger still awaits the coming of his Saviour and therefore has no belief in the Paraclete left behind by the Christ.

    I do know this, many are "fed up" with religious and ideological warfare, if not the splitting of hairs.

    Finally, there is science, that has disproven and continues to disprove so much of what is in the Judeo Christian canons.
