Thursday, September 22, 2011

"The Haqqani network . . . acts as a veritable arm of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence Agency"

Joint Chiefs of Staff chair Adm. Mike Mullen says that Pakistan was directly involved in the attack on the US embassy in Kabul.


  1. In other news in the hot and ignorant Middle East (where there of course war in which the first casualty is truth) now Abbas hates Obama as much or worse than Netanyahu now, which should make you do cartwheels of glee, since that makes at least 3 of you.

    "America is a partner of the Israeli occupation and terrorism" and "Obama wants to buy votes with Palestinian blood."

    I heard Greg Garrison interviewing Ann Coulter about her recent book on mobs and mob mentalities. I never heard her mention our Support Our Troops mobs and mob mentalities. Don't you wish to activate that soon again?

  2. Tell me about these "support our troops" mobs. I've not heard about them before.

  3. Just look on facebook. Whenever Uncle Sam has something up the mobs go crazy with their patriotism. We are such a meme-driven species. There are Tea party mobs and mob mentalities too.
