Friday, September 9, 2011

Mitt's attempt to sound like he's upholding some big principle on this issue falls flat - real flat

He knows he and Rick Perry are essentially saying the same thing about Social Security.  His attempts to parse it sufficiently to give the appearance of some kind of wedge is a lot of politician's hot air.


  1. Whoo hoo!!! And Ricky's state has “has executed 234 death row inmates, more than any other governor in modern times,” which drew sudden applause from the audience attending the GOP debate held at the Reagan library last night. Damn that Prophet Perry is good!!!

  2. Perry has called Social Security “a crumbling monument to the failure of the New Deal’’ and likened it and other New Deal programs to a “bad disease’’ that spreads instead of dies - a view his advisers have unsuccessfully tried to distance the campaign from. (see )

  3. It did not fall flat on this voter's ears. So our generation, many of whom thought they were headed for social security pay-outs from funds they paid into all their working lives to supplement their retirement savings, are going to again be the ones who get the shaft in this now declared Ponzi scheme? I realize that we are not supposed to be affected, but this is a slippery slope and the level of trust in any politician, including Governor Perry, is not exactly running high these days. He also went on to editorialize that OASI has been a failed program from the getgo. You TP'rs are really getting on your high horses now aren't you. You might be way overestimating your supposed mandate for change here.

    Not to mention Medicare which is also under serious attack from quarters who were never in favor of it in the first place, though it is legislation that was passed by freely elected legislators and signed by a freely elected Chief Executive in this government of laws, not men, I who was born on 1/20/11 personally will not vote for any candidate who declares it dead. In essence, the federal budget will be partially balanced on the backs of the next generation of retirees as well as ours, instead of the rich who you claim so many of us envy so. I know, I know, we're supposed to pay for our own health insurance too. Check the premiums, bippy, we're losers in that risk category.

    Your side is still a bunch of sore losers. Where's your fighting spirit? It must be being channeled into defeating your many enemies, foreign and domestic, even if it is your own generation, or especially the ones following us. We all certainly see and hear your howls and growls when defense spending cuts are considered.

    I agree with Mitt who vows to fight to keep Social Security and we will of course see how far Perry's bluster (and prayer and prophesy) takes him towards the very frightening prospect of him becoming the Chief Executive of this formerly grand land.

  4. 1/20/50, although I am sure you might agree that I talk like I was born yesterday.

  5. You pretty much answer your own question. ("Where's your fighting spirit?") It's on full display every day - in blogs like this, in talk radio, on the WSJ op-ed page, in National Review, the Weekly Standard, Commentary . . .
    We're here to talk about freedom, common sense, dignity and American greatness.

  6. Oh, I know you have it, no question, but when it comes to social insurance you do not have it to save it, only to tear it down. I too am about freedom, dignity and American greatness. Common sense waxes and wanes and isn't always the truth, which has been shown over and over.

    The Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act is still law too. Good job so far in lambasting it, however, and the bulk of it does not even go into effect until 2017.

    Time will of course tell about the fate of this United States federal statute that was duly pased by the 111th US Congress and signed into law on March 23, 2010. Time will also tell about Perry and his mouth that he think roars with the people. He, like yours, is pretty good at ripping things apart, hip hip horray and he apparently is quite OK with frying humans or however they take them out down there in Tehas.
