Sunday, May 8, 2016

Why I am glad I am no longer a Republican - today's edition

I don't have to defend the likes of Squirrel-Hair's remarks at his Eugene Oregon rally.

An unrestrained Donald Trump called Hillary Clinton an "unbelievably nasty, mean enabler" who "destroyed" the lives of her husband's mistresses during a rally in Oregon on Friday night. 
The comments, made during an evening rally in Eugene, Ore., marked the sharpest tone he's taken against the Democratic frontrunner since becoming his party's presumptive nominee, and the first time he's been so direct in referencing Bill Clinton's affairs in months. 
"She's been the total enabler. She would go after these women and destroy their lives," Trump said. "She was an unbelievably nasty, mean enabler, and what she did to a lot of those women is disgraceful."
His comments came as part of a defense against recent attacks from Democrats focused on his controversial comments and stances on women's issues. Trump told the crowd "nobody respects women more than me," but in contrast, "nobody in this country, and maybe in the history of the country politically, was worse than Bill Clinton with women." 
"Have you ever read what Hillary Clinton did to the women that Bill Clinton had affairs with? And they're going after me with women?" he added, incredulously, without citing any specific examples or sources. 
While it was his most caustic attack against the presumptive Democratic nominee on Friday night, it was by no means the only line of attack he opened against Clinton. He charged that she would be "sleeping" when national security crises hit at odd hours, tied her to NAFTA, and called her a "tool of Wall Street." He also said he was the "last person she wants to run against…because my attitude is, I don't care."
Trump also took sharp aim at Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren, the liberal darling who's been the subject of vice-presidential chatter in recent weeks, with whom Trump's opened up a feud over social media in recent days.
In front of a crowd of thousands on Friday night, Trump unveiled a new nickname for the Massachusetts senator: "Goofus."
Clinton's "got this goofy friend Elizabeth Warren, she's on a Twitter rant, she's a goofus," he said. 
"This woman, she's a basketcase. By the way, she's done nothing in the United States. She's done nothing." 

Now, there's a couple of ways the Clinton camp can play this. It can take an above-the-fray stance, clearing its throat and standing off to the side and pointing out, when it's appropriate, that this is the other choice besides the candidate who does not stoop to that level.

Or it can bring to the fore such Squirrel-Hair memorable moments as this:

Donald Trump almost sounded envious in his admiration for Epstein in 2002. 
"I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy, He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life."
In 2010, Epstein pleaded the Fifth Amendment when asked by a lawyer representing one of Epstein's victims about his relationship with Donald Trump:
Q: Have you ever had a personal relationship with Donald Trump?
A. What do you mean by "personal relationship," sir?
Q. Have you socialized with him?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Yes?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Have you ever socialized with Donald Trump in the presence of females under the age of 18?
A: Though I'd like to answer that question, at least today I'm going to have to assert my Fifth, Sixth, and 14th Amendment rights, sir.
Of course, that one raises the risk of implicating Billy Jeff the Zipper, since he was Epstein's pal as well.

But this quote might quote in handy for them.

Here's Trump in his 1997 book, The Art of the Deal:
Often, I will tell friends whose wives are constantly nagging them about this or that that they're better off leaving and cutting their losses.  I'm not a great believer in always trying to work things out, because it just doesn't happen that way.  For a man to be successful he needs support at home, just like my father had from my mother, not someone who is always griping and b*******.  When a man has to endure a woman who is not supportive and complains constantly about his not being home enough or not being attentive enough, he will not be very successful unless he is able to cut the cord.
But the whole thing is not my problem. It's the Republicans' problem, and that's not who I am. Not after last week.



  1. Garrison Kielor this week:
    Donald Trump supports Immigration, two of his three wives are immigrants. Just goes to show immigrants take jobs that Americans don't want.

  2. Worth noting that Hillie stood by her man Bill and it is nobody's business whether she did or not, but it probably grates feminists and tyrants both.
