Friday, May 6, 2016

Europe coddles its conquerors

Germany was once the most serious nation on earth. That was true throughout the 19th century, as it pioneered such academic fields as sociology, and as it led in contributions to music and literature. It has been a leader in scientific inquiry and engineering achievement. Even when it went rogue, it was a fearsome enemy to be reckoned with.

Now, it's just plain ridiculous:

You might recall that appalling "educational" video recently released by the Finnish government which teaches women how to ward off migrant-rapists (for fun, we included it above). Well, there's now a suitable companion video subsidized by German taxpayers. 
The latest educational video features scenes from a new workshop offered to asylum seekers on how to flirt with German women...without raping them. BareNakedIslam provides background: 
On April 27, 2016 (BR)-Bayerischer Rundfunk (Bavaria Broadcasting) broadcasted the sequel of such a course in their article: Workshop für Flüchtlinge – So ticken westliche Frauen“. (Workshop for Refugees – How Western women think and act).
In the workshop offered at Jugendzentrum Eichstätt (Youth Center Eichstätt), young German women act as “prey” while aliens from different cultures practice their pick-up lines on them.
These courses are arranged by an organization called Pro Familia, well known for issuing advisory notes to abortion.
Among other valuable lessons on how best to integrate with German society, refugees are taught that "no means no" and that "ficki, ficki," or mass sexual assault, is probably not the best approach to romancing Western women. 
File under: Reason #20,232 why Europe is doomed. 
And Squirrel-Hair thinks this is a continent in any position to do more to defend the West?

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