Thursday, May 12, 2016

The architect of planned decline at Howard University

The Most Equal Comrade uses the occasion of his commencement address to prepare the graduates to take their places among the cattle-masses of post-America.

Derek Hunter at Townhall spells out exactly what the MEC's sinister agenda was in crafting and delivering his remarks, and how they are at odds with the reality of how human success is achieved:

How does it help to tell people the system is rigged against them? What will they do when it’s not the system against them but the normal adversity that arrives whenever people work hard for something important? Will they stay the course and try to overcome? Or will they fall on the excuse they’ve been given? Bad choices become easier in this situation, but they’re still bad choices.
“We have cousins and uncles and brothers and sisters who we remember were just as smart and just as talented as we were, but somehow got ground down by structures that are unfair and unjust,” the president continued. 
Again, Obama is acting like the Pope here absolving people of the choices they made and the consequences of those choices. Those people, were “ground down” by racism, he says. Here’s a tip: If your life sucks, 99.99 times out of 100 it’s your fault. Society isn’t “unfair and unjust;” it doesn’t know or care you exist.
Next came the crux of the horrible message the president was selling. “And that means we have to not only question the world as it is, and stand up for those African Americans who haven't been so lucky -- because, yes, you've worked hard, but you've also been lucky. That's a pet peeve of mine: People who have been successful and don't realize they've been lucky. That God may have blessed them; it wasn't nothing you did. So don't have an attitude.”
No, Mr. President, it was something they did. These kids who worked their asses off to earn their degrees did, in fact, “build that.” Luck had nothing to do with it; choices did.
They chose to work hard in high school to get into a good college. They chose to resist the temptations available to everyone. They chose to set a goal and accomplish it. 

You can just tell the MEC licks his chops at the opportunity to address an audience of black post-Americans. Their treatment in most of the post-American media and academic institutions renders them tailor-made for perpetuating his general narrative that  dependency is virtue:

That’s the president’s real goal. He and his fellow progressives want people to view effort as a sucker’s bet and the concept of earning something worthy of contempt. Society used to admire those who sacrificed, risked and achieved; now they’re the object of scorn.
And after eight years of this - a hundred and three, really, if you count progressivism's insidious insinuation into all of American thought and civic life - we are now incapable as a people of selecting for ourselves any better choices for a successor to this evil than the two moral monsters now at the fore of the presidential race.

Yes, the cattle-masses are stirred up presently. But, no longer being fully human, they have no idea why, and are therefore incapable of determining how to ameliorate their agitation.


  1. "Again, Obama is acting like the Pope here absolving people of the choices they made and the consequences of those choices."

    Absolution is one thing; the consequences are always there as a challenge to overcome with God's love. Not sayin' the Pope is Jesus, but Jesus healed, and, on occasion, even raised the dead. Last time I looked, death is the most severe consequence of life. An alleged consequence of two happy beings in Paradise who ate a forbidden fruit?

  2. Maybe.

    I do know that planned decline is at the core of the MEC's agenda.
