Monday, May 23, 2016

Post-America's partner in patty-cake - today's edition

What the Supreme Leader utters here is really nothing new, but how many more of such utterances - backed up by missile tests and the taking hostage of soldiers and the purchase of an anti-aircraft battery - would it take for the Most Equal Comrade, Secretary Global Test and Wendy Sherman to reverse course and tear up last summer's "agreement"?

More comforting words came forth last week from the United State's nuclear partner, Iran. That is to say, the supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said America is the "great Satan" and a major idolator.
The Arabic word is "taghut" -- a theological term usually reserved for other Muslims who are in transgression against Islamic tenets and values. Khamenei said:
“America is the major taghut and the great Satan. Those who are implementing the American policy in the region are adhering to taghut.”
Khamenei continued speaking out against the U.S., assuring that the only goal Iran has in its dealings with our country is non-compliance:
"Resistance against America is the main point of Iran’s prowess."
Iran's leader also aimed his ire towards "blasphemous" Saudi Arabia for helping the U.S. implement its nuclear policies. Khamenei made it clear that Iran is not frightened by America and doesn't believe the Obama administration intends to stand by its promises under the nuclear deal.

 The Great Leveling Project is going to get us all murdered in our beds.

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