Thursday, May 12, 2016

Crickets from the bots

Rush Limbaugh, still in that tortured objective-analyst mode, trotted out a 2012 interview FNC's Greta Van Susteren did with Squirrel-Hair "just to see what the Trumpeters' reaction would be." He waited and waited after he played it. The result: "Zip, nada," to quote the talk-radio titan.

Here's The Blaze's summation of the exchange:

In the interview with Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren, Trump called Clinton a “terrific woman.” 
“I mean, I’m a little biased because I’ve known her for years,” Trump continued. “I live in New York. She lives in New York. And I’ve known her and her husband for years, and I really like ‘em both a lot, and I think she really works hard. And I think she, again, she’s given an agenda that’s not all of her, but I think she really works hard, and I think she does a good job.”
“I just like her,” Trump added. “I like her, and I like her husband. Her husband made a speech on Monday at Mar-a-Lago, and it was very well received.”
Trump said in the clip that former President Bill Clinton is “a really good guy” and that Hillary Clinton is a “really good person and woman.”
Well, there wasn't a complete absence of response. What Rush got was all positive.

How do you people - the people that responded, as well as the Charles Hurts, the Newt Gingriches, the Laura Ingrahams, the Wayne Allen Roots of the world - sleep at night?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. He's an American salesman and legion are those who have always been suckered thereby. They dig his digs, his threads, his hot women and the cars he drives. He's really rich and is not shy about reminding us. The devil, who wears Prada is sending us all straight to hell in a bucket, but at least many are enjoying the ride at this time. Want a glimpse of the White House if he wins? Watch reruns of Dallas. For some reason, it always got fabulous ratings. Trump's truly da man for all reasons.

  3. Mr. Dings, that is your all-time money line. You ought to get it copyrighted.

    "Want a glimpse of the White House if he wins? Watch reruns of Dallas."


    1. My female barber and the chick waiting got a kick out of it too.

  4. "Mornin', Daddih. Mornin', Miss Ellih."

  5. "Make me a lunch reservation at the Cattlemens Club."

  6. "Bobby's just there to answer the phone. You have any real problems, you call me."
