Sunday, May 8, 2016

The bots will have a field day with this

Squirrel-Hair's slavish devotees have foisted this term "globalist" on the post-American cattle-masses as if it encompassed anyone who doesn't put immigration policy front and center among the nation's most pressing issues, as in dwarfing all others.

Then along comes a real globalist like Secretary Global-Test who, in the course of remarks primarily about the unseriousness of Squirrel-Hair (and watch for a lot more of those; in recent days, we've been subjected to the Most Equal Comrade's "this-is-a-hard-job-it's-not-entertainment" preening. Quite rich coming from he of the selfie stick video and the rush back out to the golf course after brief, perfunctory remarks about James Foley) had this to say:

Kerry also seemed to dismiss the importance of national borders, and said technology has reshaped the world into one that the U.S. must engage at the risk of being left behind. He said Trump and others who want to look inward are making a mistake, even in the face of rising tension and violence in the world.

"For some people, that is all they need simply to climb under the sheets, close their eyes and push the world away," Kerry said. "And shockingly, we even see this attitude from some who think they ought to be entrusted with the job of managing international affairs."
"The future demands from us something more than a nostalgia for some rose-tinted version of the past that did not really exist in any case," he said. "You're about to graduate into a complex and borderless world."
The all-caps droolers found in the comment threads of - well, just about anything these days, not to mention those with a microphone and their own following like the vile Laura Ingraham, will have jumped all over this by this time tomorrow, lumping conservatives who have not abandon their principles right in with hard-left figures like Global-Test.

And thus do the clear and actual lines between coherent world views get further obscured.


  1. Reuters has a new report citing unpublished documents and interviews within the US Customs and Border Protection agency. What the American authorities on the ground want is roughly 23 more miles of real-world fencing. But mostly reinforcements to the “virtual wall” that they’ve been building since the 1970s. That includes more sensors, drones, and cameras on the US-Mexico border.

  2. The question is, would Squirrel-Hair listen to them, or is he already so invested in this big wall that the can't change course?

  3. You really think SH has a ghost of a chance?

  4. It is true that the internet has been connecting the world and that it is borderless. Is there any turning back? Would we want to go back?

  5. Um, no, but what does that have to do with the political implications of Global-Test's idiotic remark?

  6. Political implications? I don't think there will be any. Kerry is a lamer duck than Obama.

  7. Trump is really wowing them, telling them he'd call Putin and tell him not to do it again. And that, actually, he thinks they'll get along fine. Trump will soon jump in bed with your beloved Nettie too, just wait and see.

  8. Money talks, shit walks, same as it ever was.

  9. It's only sabre rattling. Yawn.

  10. I have heard analysis that we'd feel the same as Putin if his forces tried to take over in all the lands that left the US sphere.

  11. Pretty stupid analysis. For one thing, what-if scenarios are worthless. Also, the nature of a "US sphere" is entirely different from that of a Russian sphere.
