Monday, May 11, 2015

Monday afternoon round-up

Okay, so Bangor High School in Maine has a Gay-Straight Alliance - the Great Cultural Dare comes to the only chance society has to sit its adolescents down and teach them some actual science, history and literature - and this Alliance staged an "awareness-raising event" in which students were encouraged to wear a differently colored tee shirt each day to - I don't know, help them reflect on how bullying isn't nice or some damn thing.  Anyway, one day during this project some students wore Chick-Fil-A shirts. This led to the jackboots putting this thing on tweeting obscenities about them being haters. The school commendably suspended the haters, but, per the fact that this all has its roots in permitting the Great Cultural Dare to insinuate itself into the school environment, what the administration should have done is pull the plug on the Alliance.  Something along the lines of "You're here to learn, not indulge your narcissism and provoke taunts so you can howl about injustice."

The Most Equal Comrade had so hoped his pow-wow at Camp David, at which all the top leaders of all the major Middle East countries were supposed to come to understand the visionary nature of his surrender to Iran, was going to be a historic momentum-shifter.  Alas, it seems most participants are sending second-and-third-stringers.  Saudi Arabia's King Salman, for instance, is bowing out.  Another foreign-policy dud for the MEC.

Mark Halperin of Bloomberg News interviewed Ted Cruz and got right down to the serious stuff - you know, identity politics - asking him about his favorite Cuban foods and Cuban music.  He then asked him to welcome Bernie Sanders to the presidential race in Spanish.  Sheesh, why didn't he just have him play the conga drum?

Speaking of Cuba, the Revolution's founder has done quite well for himself while his comrades live on one chicken per month and dwell in squalid apartments.  Check out the style in which Fidel has been living:   a private island, a personal yacht decked out in imported Angolan wood, a pontoon sporting a bar and barbecue grill, a private sea-world-type exhibit featuring exotic turtles and trained dolphins.

It's time to give up hope that Mitch McConnell does not have Reasonable Gentleman Syndrome. He is a terminal case.  Says Ted Kennedy's skills as a legislator are needed in today's Senate.  Brags about getting a handwritten note from the Most Equal Comrade for putting Loretta Lynch over the finish line.

Hillionaire and Billy Jeff the Zipper have been strong-arming Charity Navigators to take their foundation off of its watch list for months.

House Homeland Security chair Michael McCaul says the ISIS threat has "gone viral" and is only going to get worse.

The EEOC has ordered the Army to pay damages to a transgendered guy for denying it access to the women's bathroom.  And - isn't this just unjust as all get out? - the Army continued to use its actual man name in official documentation referring to it.

It is very late in the day.

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