Monday, May 25, 2015

The ridiculous and poisonous extent to which identity politics has metastasized

Naomi Schaefer Riley at the NY Post understands that you don't let an article like that by Lisa Miller in New York Magazine go unremarked upon.

Miller thinks it's quite intriguing and groundbreaking that a hoity-toity private school called the Fieldston Lower School is taking the goofy-ass concept of the "affinity group" to the next level and clustering the student body according to demographics.  In short, segregating the blacks, Hispanics, "Asians," whites, Jews and so forth from each other for much of their classroom experience and impressing upon them the "importance" of pondering their racial or ethnic identities.

It's enough to make you hurl.  Miller just has to bring in all the fabricated racial premises for the recent round of urban unrest:

It was not lost on anyone that this program was being rolled out against a national backdrop of explosive racial drama — or that, both within Fieldston and without, the central racial story is still white and black. Mariama Richards, the director of progressive and multicultural education at all Fieldston schools and the lead architect of the program, is herself black — an “equity practitioner,” her Twitter bio says, in public and private schools. In 2013, she had been wooed away from Georgetown Day, where she had done similar work for nearly a decade. The following summer, she and colleagues had developed what has come to be known as the affinity-group program while the people of Ferguson, Missouri, were raging over the shooting, by a white police officer, of an unarmed black man named Michael Brown. So when parents say the new race program has an activist agenda, they are entirely right. In January, after a grand jury failed to indict the police officer responsible for the choking death of Eric Garner in Staten Island, more than a hundred members of the Fieldston faculty signed a letter expressing solidarity with #blacklivesmatter: “This is an occasion when, as citizens and as educators, remaining silent is not a viable option.”
And then it gets ludicrous.  Jewish, Hispanic and "Asian" kids feeling like blacks are hogging all the attention:

“It’s so fricking boring,” said a fifth-grader in the Asian group. “We do the same thing every week. The conversations we have are mostly about the tensions between whites and blacks, and never about Asians or Hispanic people. It annoys me sometimes that people are like, ‘Oh my God, people are so segregated.’ But we are never mentioned. It’s just frustrating, I would say.”
And there are quotes from teachers and administrators about "authentic voices" and "privilege" and the rest of the jargon the jackboots insist that we pollute our skulls with.

And plenty of coverage of similar undertakings at other schools around the country.

You ought to read the whole thing, but be forewarned that you might blow chunks before you finish it.

Anyway, back to Riley's takedown of it:

At least some of the parents at the school are thrilled with this program and seem to feel it will help prepare their students for life after Fieldston.
One mother describes the sense of exhaustion and frustration she felt being a black student at Exeter coming from the Bronx.
When she saw all the white people, she asked her mother if she could come home. What really “broke” her, she says, was a class called “Black Experience in White America,” in which she was consistently asked to explain black perspective to her white classmates.
She thinks an “affinity group” will help prepare her daughter for this experience.
Perhaps. But this is not a problem that happened in math class or English lit. The demands that a black student represent his or her race in class comes from courses that focus on race and teachers who think a teenager’s personal experience is worthy of academic study.
Like so much of education from kindergarten all the way through a doctorate these days, the affinity groups are really just another way to encourage narcissism.
Because what matters most for the future of this country — for justice, for equality, for racial harmony — is how you feel.

Exactly.  And a society of self-absorbed dweebs puking all over themselves is ripe for conquest by jihaidsts.  Don't think that's going unnoticed.

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