Monday, April 20, 2015

Well, the interception is a good idea, but why the hell do we continue with the patty-cake?

Secretary Global-Test's obsequious and increasingly desperate gestures notwithstanding, we're more likely to be headed into a state of hot conflict with Iran than rapprochement.

The 'proxy' war is escalating very rapidly. As AP reports, Navy officials confirm that the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt is headed to Yemeni waters to intercept an Iranian weapons shipmentsJust as we warned 10 days ago, the probability of a major escalation over the latest proxy Middle Eastern civil war escalated substantially when Iran parked two warships off the Yemeni coast.

I am increasingly inclined to believe that it's merely a question of whether it's the Sunni or Shiite Islamic enemies among our overall array of enemies that gets to us first.


  1. This is what you want, is it not?

  2. Well, certainly, I want to see Iran prevented from providing arms to the Houthis. Ultimately, I want to see this nation resume its former identity as the United States of America and pursue an over and active Iran policy of regime change.
